Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dog in the garden--oh no!

Today was very warm on my deck. I'm a little concerned about my cucumbers, they seem to be fighting for their lives in the great outdoors. So far they're winning, but they wilt pretty easily during the day. I'm going to make little shady tents for them until they get a bit bigger and acclimated to being in the sun all day. My beans are going crazy, and there was a little mishap yesterday with my dog in the garden, which resulted in one of the tomato plants going from 6" to about 1" in height. It wasn't Ty's fault; Artie was chasing him around and chased him right into the garden--oops!

I'm finding that the soil dries out very easily and I'm watering every day, although it's only March. I think I need to really soak the bed so it's damp from the bottom up, hopefully that will help it retain more moisture. Things are looking good; the sweet peas are really getting tall and I've concocted a trellis for them out of stakes and dental floss. I'll post pictures of that soon; I'm very proud of my innovative solution trellis-wise!

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