Thursday, March 20, 2008

A tribute to John McLaren, garden genius extraordinaire

I lived in SF for three years before moving a bit south to the Peninsula. Living in SF with no outdoor area and cold foggy summers was dire at best, but there was one great thing about being an urbanite--Golden Gate Park! I spent most of my free time roaming the Park with my dog, and so this post is in honor of John McLaren, the Scotsman responsible for turning the foggy sand dunes of the early 1900s into the glorious Golden Gate Park of today. The statue of him in the picture (link above) is at the southwest end of the Rhododendron Dell where my dog Ty and I spent hours and hours during our stint in SF.

Suddenly unemployed...

With the advent of Spring arriving at the same time of my layoff, I've decided to devote much of my time to my garden. With a nice, full-sun deck, some lumber, hardware, seeds and soil, my goal is to create a huge and gorgeous garden full of flowers and vegetables to last all summer long. In addition to my established geraniums, nasturtiums and alyssum, I'm growing from seed sweet peas, black-eyed susans, sunflowers, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, bell peppers, tomatoes, and green beans--lots and lots of green beans. Stay tuned to find out how my garden progresses throughout the season!